
Hanford Hosts Future Leaders on Cleanup Tour

Contractors at the Hanford Site recently led a site cleanup tour for up-and-coming community leaders who are part of the latest Leadership Tri-Cities (LTC) class.

Office of Environmental Management

September 3, 2024
minute read time
Tri-Cities Leadership Tour
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management contractors recently hosted a Hanford Site tour for a local leadership group to highlight cleanup progress.


RICHLAND, Wash. — Contractors at the Hanford Site recently led a site cleanup tour for up-and-coming community leaders who are part of the latest Leadership Tri-Cities (LTC) class.

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company sponsored the site visit.

The tour included representatives from five other Hanford contractors: Bechtel National Inc., Hanford Mission Integration Solutions, Inomedic Health Applications, Navarro-ATL and Washington River Protection Solutions.

Hanford plays an important role in the lives of the more than 300,000 people who live in the Tri-Cities, Washington area. Therefore, it’s important that current and potential community leaders are familiar with the Hanford Site and its mission.

LTC is an immersive learning experience that seeks to develop knowledgeable leaders to serve the Tri-Cities community and includes 10 sessions focusing on various sectors and industries, including Hanford cleanup.

The LTC program helps prepare a diverse group of local leaders who want to facilitate positive change in the local community. The site visit is meant to educate and inform, encouraging participants to be advocates and ambassadors of Hanford cleanup.

“The Hanford Site is a massive stage for contemplation and consideration — contemplating the past and considering the future,” said Kevin Lewis, LTC class participant and president of Visit Tri-Cities, an organization that promotes tourism in the region. “Until you get out here, you really can’t comprehend the size, scope and magnitude of what’s going on. It really is a remarkable experience to come and see this firsthand.”

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Community Benefit Plans
  • Careers
  • Energy Justice
  • Revitalizing Energy Communities