
Early-Career Professionals Session to Return to National Cleanup Workshop

The 2nd Early-Career Professionals Session is being held during the annual National Cleanup Workshop with a goal of training and retaining its newest workforce members.

Office of Environmental Management

July 23, 2024
minute read time
Black and light blue logo that reads "National Cleanup Workshop" on a white background

ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) will hold the 2nd Early-Career Professionals Session during the annual National Cleanup Workshop (NCW) with a goal of training and retaining its newest workforce members.

The workshop is being held Sept. 16-18 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington. The NCW brings together senior DOE executives, officials from DOE sites, industry executives, and other key stakeholders to discuss EM’s progress in the cleanup of the environmental legacy of the nation’s Manhattan Project and Cold War era nuclear weapons program.

The Early-Career Professionals Session will take place on Monday, Sept. 16, from 12 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is aimed at helping attendees learn more about EM and how to grow and succeed in the DOE cleanup program.

This will be the 10th consecutive year that EM hosts the NCW in cooperation with Energy Communities Alliance and Energy Facility Contractors Group. Workshop organizers are offering a reduced registration for early-career professionals who have not previously attended the workshop and have only been involved in the EM program for less than five years. This rate includes admission to the NCW.

Last year, over 100 people attended the first-ever session to hear from leaders in EM and how they achieved their goals within the DOE cleanup program.

This year’s session attendees can expect to hear from EM Senior Advisor Candice Robertson and participate in roundtable discussions and networking opportunities, all focused on helping them grow professionally.

“Retaining the newest members of our workforce is a key component in executing our future mission. This event will help participants learn more about our fascinating mission and gain tools to build their professional network,” said Kristen Ellis, EM associate principal deputy assistant secretary for regulatory and policy affairs.

This year, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is set to provide the keynote address for the conference and Robertson is set to give opening remarks, highlighting EM progress and current priorities.

-Contributor: Ryan Vanecek

  • Careers
  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Energy Workforce
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Decarbonization