
Crowdsourcing Leads to Workshop on Improving EM’s Contract Change Process

EM Assistant Secretary Anne White recently held a workshop focused on improving how the cleanup program makes changes to contracts.

Office of Environmental Management

April 2, 2019
minute read time
EM Assistant Secretary Anne White recently held a workshop focused on improving how the cleanup program makes changes to contracts
EM Assistant Secretary Anne White recently held a workshop focused on improving how the cleanup program makes changes to contracts

WASHINGTON, D.C.EM Assistant Secretary Anne White recently held a workshop focused on improving how the cleanup program makes changes to contracts. More than 90 percent of EM’s annual budget is contracted to industry. EM expects contract changes be implemented within 180 days. Timely implementation of changes ensures that a contract accurately reflects the work and its value intended under the contract. During the three-day workshop, EM federal and contractor employees collaborated to develop proposed solutions for improvements, including a standardized template for contractor proposals. “The bias for action has been long needed and much appreciated,” a workshop participant said. Prior to the workshop, EM Chief of Staff Darcey Bolin led a crowdsourcing campaign to seek input on improving the way EM makes changes to its contracts. Bolin sought feedback from federal and contractor employees across the EM complex. EM plans to hold similar workshops using crowdsourcing campaigns, which allow for inclusion across the EM complex. In this photo, White, second from right, talks with workshop participants.

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  • Commercial Implementation
  • Evidence, Impact, and Evaluation