EM workers on Sept. 16 safely tore down the ninth of 10 buildings scheduled for demolition.
Office of Environmental Management
September 22, 2020SIMI VALLEY, Calif. – EM workers on Sept. 16 safely tore down the ninth of 10 buildings scheduled for demolition at the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) at the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) in Ventura County. The building was used for administrative functions, low-level waste packaging, processing, decommissioning of parts, laundry, and other purposes. The 10th building at RMHF is set to come down this fall. Workers had resumed active cleanup at the former nuclear and liquid metals research site in July. Removing all 10 RMHF facilities, which were constructed in 1959 and used for the processing, packaging, and shipment of radioactive and mixed hazardous wastes during site operations that ended in 1988, will reduce potential risk of release of hazardous substances due to wildfires or erosion from severe storms. Activities are being conducted under an agreement between the DOE and the State of California, and in adherence to safety practices recommended to protect workers from exposure to the coronavirus.