
Award-winning Video Promotes Safe Driving at Hanford

EM Richland Operations Office (RL) contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) recently received a national award for producing a video titled The Lasting Impact of Distracted Driving, which reinforces the importance of traffic safety.

Office of Environmental Management

January 10, 2023
minute read time
The video titled The Lasting Impact of Distracted Driving was produced by Hanford Site contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company

The video titled The Lasting Impact of Distracted Driving was produced by Hanford Site contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company. It has garnered a national award from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, which recognizes international examples of excellence in video production and digital communication.

RICHLAND, Wash.EM Richland Operations Office (RL) contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) recently received a national award for producing a video titled The Lasting Impact of Distracted Driving, which reinforces the importance of traffic safety on the 580-square-mile Hanford Site.

The Viddy Gold Award was presented by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, which recognizes international examples of excellence in video production and digital communication. Entries come from video production companies, cable and broadcast television operations, advertising, design, public relations firms, and corporate communications departments.

The CPCCo video focuses on a vehicle accident that occurred in January 2022 on the Hanford Site to illustrate the dangers of inattentive driving and stresses the importance of following safe driving practices.

EM contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company recently received national recognition for producing a video that reinforces the importance of safe driving on the 580-square-mile Hanford Site.

EM contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company recently received national recognition for producing a video that reinforces the importance of safe driving on the 580-square-mile Hanford Site.

“In 2019, the Department and its contractors launched the Hanford Site Traffic Safety Initiative to reduce accidents, increase safety on the site and improve driving behaviors,” said Stanley Branch, director of Hanford’s Safety and Health Division. “This video is a prime example of how we emphasize safe driving through education, engineering and enforcement.”

The Hanford Site’s Traffic Safety Initiative, launched in 2019, provides workers with videos, posters, surveys and other resources aimed at reinforcing safe driving behaviors on the site.
The Hanford Site’s Traffic Safety Initiative, launched in 2019, provides workers with videos, posters, surveys and other resources aimed at reinforcing safe driving behaviors on the site.

Nearly 10,000 vehicles enter and exit the Hanford Site daily. Although the accident rates on roadways at the Hanford Site are lower compared to areas outside its boundaries, DOE and its contractors continue to work together to improve traffic and conditions on roadways and in parking lots.

“We hope this video serves as a strong reminder to all employees that their actions and driving behavior can have a tremendous impact on people’s lives,” said Megan Proctor, manager of the CPCCo Environmental, Safety and Health Department. “We hope the video encourages employees to demonstrate safe driving habits on and off the Hanford Site and to share the video with friends and family.”

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