EM-LA Strategic Vision: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

EM-LA Strategic Vision FAQS

Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office

December 27, 2023
minute read time

EM-LA Strategic Vision: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What’s the purpose/objective(s) of EM-LA’s Strategic Vision?

The purpose of the EM-LA Strategic Vision is to develop a long-term strategic vision from the “ground-up” for the remaining legacy cleanup that is based on consensus of values and priorities from stakeholders and pueblos in northern New Mexico. This Strategic Vision will aid the EM Los Alamos Field Office in prioritizing the remaining legacy cleanup work.

Our objectives are:

  • provide stakeholders and pueblos (i.e., engagement groups) an opportunity to play a meaningful role in shaping the direction and completion of remaining legacy cleanup work at Los Alamos, including how best to use available funding and resources
  • build and strengthen relationships with stakeholders and pueblos 
  • inform stakeholders and pueblos of the progress made in the legacy cleanup mission at Los Alamos and remaining work to be performed


What’s the timeline for the Strategic Vision process to be complete?

The process for the EM-LA Strategic Vision is broken into four phases, as shown in the graphic. We are approximately halfway through the overall process. We envision completing the Strategic Vision process by late 2024. 


Where can I get more information about EM-LA’s scope/programs?

To learn more about EM-LA’s scope, please visit EM-LA’s website. N3B is EM-LA’s prime contractor performing legacy clean up scope under the Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contract; to learn more about N3B’s work, go to N3B’s website


Who was chosen to participate in the Strategic Vision process?

DOE understands and appreciates that there are a variety of views concerning the cleanup work at Los Alamos and worked to solicit the full range of perspectives to develop the EM-LA Strategic Vision. EM-LA and N3B engaged with a wide variety of local residents and officials from the communities surrounding Los Alamos National Laboratory, along with representatives from pueblo communities and state and federal agencies. In addition, EM-LA and N3B solicited input from a variety of non-governmental organizations in the communities near Los Alamos, the legacy cleanup workforce, and the general public. 


How is our feedback going to be used? 

EM-LA will use the feedback, values, and input that we received during the process to assess stakeholder preferences on cleanup project prioritization and cleanup approaches. As EM-LA analyzes the input received during Phase 2 of the process, we will factor in Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contract scope, regulatory requirements, and funding to build the overall Strategic Vision.


Will EM-LA host a meeting to walk through the results?

Yes, EM-LA is committed to holding a public meeting to discuss how stakeholder feedback was assessed and incorporated as part of Phase 3 of the Strategic Vision development process.


How will stakeholder/Pueblo feedback be weighted in the analysis?

EM-LA will assess a variety of factors, including proximity to Los Alamos, population levels, and levels of expertise, to determine how to analyze feedback received in Phases 1 and 2. 


Where can I find more information about the Strategic Vision?

For more information, please refer to the to the EM-LA Strategic Vision website.


Who do I contact if I have a question or comment to make on the Strategic Vision?

If you have a question, or if you would like to submit a comment about the EM-LA Strategic Vision, please send an email to [email protected].