- RESidual RADiation (RESRAD) Family of Codes:
REDRAD family of Codes are a series of software codes developed by Argonne National Labs (ANL) which are designed to estimate radiation doses and risks from RESidual RADioactive materials. The RESRAD computer codes are important tools that are widely used by the Department, other Federal agencies, and the commercial nuclear industry as well as by international organizations and businesses engaged in the remediation of areas contaminated with radioactive materials.
- The DOE Ionizing Radiation Dose Ranges Chart
The DOE Ionizing Radiation Dose Ranges Chart was developed as a tool to compare and put into perspectives the radiation doses received by individuals ranging from natural sources to occupational or in medicine. The Chart provides a user-friendly reference for comparison of radiation exposures of interest to scientists and the public, illustrating how ionizing radiation interacts with humans over six orders of magnitude. The accompanying Information Brief was developed to augment the Chart, introducing the radiation science and explaining the Chart for those not completely familiar with the concepts it presents.
- Radiation Risk Assessment Software: The Clean Air Act Assessment Package(CAP88) and CAP88 PC
The Clean Air Act Assessment Package(CAP88) and CAP88 PC: CAP-88 is an EPA Software designed for the assessment of dose and risk from radionuclide emissions to air in order to be in compliance with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) for Radionuclides.
- Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge at ORNL:
This Center is an activity of the Dosimetry Research Team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This Center is responsible for the formulation, implementation, and maintenance of dosimetric methodologies used by federal agencies in occupational and environmental radiation protection, risk assessment, and radioepidemiology. The Center provides the radiologic, anatomic, dosimetric, and biokinetic data and models used to compute the dose to tissues of the body for various radiation exposures or radionuclide intakes.
- MARSSIM (Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual)
- MARSSIM Manual
- Request for MARSSIM Revision Input 2
The MARSSIM Steering Committee comprised by members of the DOE, EPA, DoD and the NRC, will be revising the MARSSIM manual. The need for a revision is based on new and best available technology, as well as the implementation of "lessons learned" since the development of MARSSIM. The MARSSIM Steering committee is requesting additional input from MARSSIM users around the country and from the different agencies that will help in the development and refinement for an improved MARSSIM document. The link above provides the request for input by the MARSSIM Steering Committee as well as the POC's and steps needed to provide contribution towards the revision of the MARSSIM.
- MARSAME (Multi Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment) Manual (DOE/HS-0004)
Large quantities of materials and equipment (M&E) potentially affected by radioactivity are present throughout the United States. The potential for residual radioactivity can come from use of source, byproduct, and special nuclear materials as well as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), naturally occurring and accelerator-produced radioactive materials (NARM) and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). This M&E may be commercial, research, education, or defense related.
- Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual (MARLAP)
The Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual addresses the need for a nationally consistent approach to producing radioanalytical laboratory data that meet a project's or program's data requirements.
- DOE Special Session Presentations of the 59th Health Physics Society Annual Meeting - 2014.
During the 59th Health Physics Society (HPS) 2014 Annual Meeting, in Baltimore, MD a full day DOE special session was provided. All presentations were developed and presented by DOE Federal Staff or related DOE contractors involved in radiation protection within the DOE complex. From occupational radiological protection to radiological protection of the public and the environment from activities within DOE. Whether you had a chance to attend or if you could not get to the 2014 HPS annual meeting, for your convenience we have included the morning and afternoon presentations with their respective abstracts.
- National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Report: Deciding for the Future - Balancing Risks Costs and Benefits Fairly across Generations - 1997.
"In today’s world everyone is increasingly aware of the impact on future generations. Primarily, this issue confronts us in our efforts to come to grips with our national budget, and indebtedness it is creating for future generations. Of course, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with financing investments and payments over a period of time. But we do need to find the balance in the allocation of resources between the present and the future. This is the challenge that is facing the U. S. Department of Energy in facility clean-up, management and development of energy resources. In clean-up activities, for example, there are varying levels of clean-up, each with a different price tag, and each extending into the future. Which one is appropriate?"
- Department of Energy’s review comments on the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements’ (NCRP) Draft Report, Cesium -137 in the Environment (SC 64-23)