Suspect/Counterfeit and Defective Items

The Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to ensuring that items and components installed in safety-related or mission-critical applications meet their intended function and operability requirements.  DOE has established a process for identifying Suspect/Counterfeit (S/CI) or Defective Items (DI) that are found in safety-significant systems or within DOE facilities, and explains the actions needed to capture, control, and disposition the S/CI-DI. 

S/CI-DI Website Access:

Access to password protected areas of this website is available to DOE employees and contractors, and other Federal/military employees with a need-to-know.  These are typically individuals that are S/CI Coordinators or contacts associated with the S/CI Program.  Such persons must register for a password to gain access to S/CI and DI information maintained here.

NOTICE: Documents downloaded from the password-protected areas of this web site may be made available to the DOE Federal/military and DOE contractor community.  These documents are not permitted to be made available to the general public.  All parties with access to the password-protected areas of the EHSS web site are to exercise due diligence to maintain control of information.


S/CI-DI related communications are available on DOE OPEXShare. 


Registration and Login is required to view all articles on DOE OPEXShare including S/CI-DI related information.  S/CI-DI information is only viewable by DOE Federal and contractor employees. 

Documents for S/CI-DI posted to DOE OPEXShare include the following:

  • Operating Experience Products
    • Operating Experience Level 1 through 3 documents (OE-1, OE-2, and OE-3)
    • Operating Experience Summaries (OESs)
    • OPEX Awareness Notices
    • Data Collection Sheets (DCS) are issued to the DOE enterprise to communicate Suspect/ Counterfeit or Defective Items (S/CI-DI) related alerts that are issued by manufacturers or through other government sources such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) or U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
    • Lessons Learned, Best Practices, and other operating experience articles submitted by DOE sites to share S/CI or DI related information that may benefit other sites.
  • Suspect/Counterfeit Items Program Annual Reports
  • Fraudulent, Adulterated, Knockoff, and Erroneous (FAKE’s) Newsletters