
Through the DOE Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan (CARP), DOE takes a risk-based resiliency approach to its operations to identify and minimize climate-related and other vulnerabilities across all DOE policies, programs and activities.  Site-specific Vulnerability Assessment Resilience Plans (VARP) compel DOE sites to assess vulnerabilities using the best available science, to strengthen the agency’s planning, operations, and investment activities.

DOE and its employees actively participate in numerous partnerships and working groups, from the local and regional to the interagency level. Many DOE sites are engaged in research partnerships to further their understanding of risks related to cybersecurity, climate change and other vulnerabilities.

DOE’s scientific experts and advanced computing capabilities offer significant benefits to the resiliency research effort, as well as information necessary for proper planning. DOE will continue to coordinate resiliency efforts across programs and missions. 

The mission of DOE’s Sustainability Performance Office (SPO) is to proactively lead DOE’s sustainability efforts, collaborate with DOE programs, and promote the cost-effective use of resources while monitoring the effectiveness of sustainability programs and initiatives. The Program Offices are responsible for ensuring the quality of assessment processes and resilience plans at their sites and SPO and the Office of Sustainable Environmental Stewardship (EHSS-21) will provide technical assistance, as needed.

DOE sites and programs will track the implementation of resilience solutions as identified in the VARPs. SPO will report on appropriate metrics to the lead Climate Official, the Chief Sustainability Officer, and the Sustainability Steering Committee. Additionally, the Office of Sustainable Environmental Stewardship will monitor and report progress on restoration and maintenance plans based on site provided Annual Site Environmental Reports and other sources as well as recognize high-performing DOE sites through the Sustainable Climate-Ready Sites Program.