Operating Experience Level 1, 2, and 3 Documents

Operating Experience Level 1, 2, and 3 documents are developed and distributed by the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) as part of the DOE Corporate Operating Experience (OpEx) Program.  Compliant with DOE Order 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program, the documents are written to inform the DOE complex of significant events or trends of concern that, in some cases, require timely action and response from DOE management.  They expand the sharing of good work practices and offer lessons from operating experience to prevent adverse operational and mission outcomes.  

Please contact Maria Dikeakos, Office of ES&H Reporting and Analysis (EHSS-23), with questions about the DOE Corporate OpEx Program, the OpEx documents described and available on this page, or any feedback that can improve the effectiveness and quality of our products.

The Operating Experience Level 1, 2, and 3 documents published to date, since 2011, are provided through the links below.  Please contact EHSS-23 if you are interested in publications prior to 2011. 

Operating Experience Level 1

The purpose of the Operating Experience Level 1 (OE-1) document is to inform the DOE complex of the most significant events or trends of concern to DOE management including assessments and required actions with close-out verification in a formal response. The OE-1 document is issued by the Deputy Secretary.

Operating Experience Level 2

The purpose of the Operating Experience Level 2 (OE-2) document is to inform the DOE complex (or affected sites) of potentially significant safety issues (e.g., Conduct of Operations or Suspect/Counterfeit or Defective Items).  The OE-2 document includes a statement of actions required (or recommended for NNSA) and a formal method of feedback.  The OE-2 document is issued by the Director of the Office of Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (EHSS).

Operating Experience Level 3

The purpose of the Operating Experience Level 3 (OE-3) document is to inform senior HQ and field management when an event(s) or a trend(s) warrants attention by Senior HQ or Field Management, but the issue does not warrant an OE-1 or OE-2 report.  The document highlights important environment, safety, and health issues for senior management's attention and potential action.  The OE-3 document is issued by the Office of Environmental Protection and ES&H Reporting (EHSS-20).
