Current Central Registry Toolbox Version(s): V1.13.1
Code Owner/Developer: Sandia National Laboratory (SNL)

Description: The MELCOR Accident Consequence Code Systems (MACCS) code, and its successor code, MACCS2, are based on the straight-line Gaussian plume model was developed originally for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). MACCS2 evaluates doses and health risks from the accidental atmospheric releases of radio nuclides. The principal phenomena considered in MACCS2 are atmospheric transport and deposition under time-variant meteorology, short-term and long-term mitigative actions and exposure pathways, deterministic and stochastic health effects, and economic costs.

In May 2004, the Department of Energy (DOE) performed an evaluation of MACCS2 against DOE's safety software quality assurance criteria. A gap analysis report was generated that identifies the strengths and weaknesses based upon ASME NQA-1 criteria. Upon completion of this evaluation, MACCS2 V 1.13.1 was listed in DOE's safety software Central Registry as a safety analysis toolbox code. MACCS2 has undergone several revisions, including the development of a Windows ® based application, WinMACCS.

Nathan Bixler, [email protected] at Sandia National Laboratory maintains the MACCS2 code under the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

For more information on MACCS2 go to:

Reports and publications related to MACCS2:

Note: Non-DOE issued reports and publications are not endorsed for technical content by DOE. These reports are provided on this website as a courtesy to the DOE community.

DOE-EH- Analysis, Software Quality Assurance Improvement Plan: MACCS2 Gap Analysis, May 2004.

DOE-EH- Guidance, MACCS2 Computer Code Application Guidance for Documented Safety Analysis, June 2004.

NUREG/CR 6853, Comparison of Average Transport and Dispersion Among a Gaussian, a Two-Dimensional, and a Three-Dimensional Model, October 2004.