Jim Hoffman - Biography


Jim Hoffman
Director, Operations Program
CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company

Mr. Hoffman has over 30 years experience in the nuclear industry. He served in the U.S. Navy in submarine reactor operations and concluded his naval career as a ship repair officer managing reactor plant repair, including de-fueling and decommissioning operations at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. He managed the electrical construction and subsequent start-up of the Effluent Treatment Facility at the Hanford site. Following construction he supported commercial nuclear plant maintenance as Senior Electrical Engineer and Operations Supervisor conducting steam generator cleanings and primary system chemical decontaminations. 

Past DOE experience consists of Director for Shift and Field Crew Operations and Industrial Safety Manager at the Hanford Tank Farms. Currently he is the CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company Director of Operations Program responsible for Conduct of Operations, Maintenance, Work Management, Emergency Preparedness and the company's Conduct of Work Mentor program. He joined the EFCOG Work Management Subgroup in 2010 and assisted in the development of the EFCOG Work Planning & Control Guideline.

2013 ISM Workshop Contributor Video: