DOE-STD-3020-2015 Specification for HEPA Filters Used by DOE Contractors
The purpose of this standard is to establish specifications and QA requirements for the procurement, packaging, shipping and storage of HEPA filters.
DOE-STD-3025-2007 Quality Assurance Inspection and Testing of HEPA Filters
This standard establishes essential elements of a DOE program for quality assurance and performance testing of HEPA filters to be installed in DOE Nuclear facilities that fall within the scope DOE-STD-3020.
DOE-HDBK-1169-2003 DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook
The last revision in 2003 updated the information provided in ERDA 76-21 and incorporated input from filter manufacturers, subject matter experts from the DOE complex and members of the ASME Committee on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment (ASME AG-1). Chapters were added on History, Fire Protection, and Occupational Safety and Health.
For more information on the Department of Energy’s High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter Testing Facility, please send an email to [email protected].