Fugitive Emissions

DOE is committed to using science, technology, and effective management to minimize fugitive emissions throughout the Department. To assist in achieving this goal the Department created the Fugitive Emissions' Working Group (FEWG).  The Office of Sustainable Environmental Stewardship established the FEWG to share information and best practices regarding inventory management, reporting, monitoring and control technologies, and environmentally preferable substitutes for high-impact greenhouse gases (GHGs) among DOE sites.  The group has focused on efforts to reduce sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions from DOE operations, address the challenges and opportunities of the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phasedown, and support improved management of fluorinated, fugitive greenhouse gases.

The Office of Sustainable Environmental Stewardship published the Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Fugitive Emission Reduction 2008-2018 DOE Report that presents the achievements of DOE in reducing fluorinated GHG fugitive emissions from 2008 to 2018.  These achievements were accomplished with minimal capital investment demonstrating that GHG emissions can be reduced utilizing cost-effective measures.  The report demonstrates how the Department has leveraged the efforts of DOE sites to reduce emissions by sharing their lessons learned and best management practices with the FEWG.  This report includes site success stories that detail key best practices, innovations, and lessons learned with regard to reducing fluorinated GHG fugitive emissions.