DOE/IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies
The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) developed this course for the Department of Energy (DOE) under the direction of Fluor Daniel Fernald, DOE's environmental remediation contractor for the Fernald Environmental Management Project. The goal of this contract was to provide needed information and a method to train fire departments and other emergency responders who may be called upon to respond to accidents involving radioactive materials along DOE transportation corridors and routes.
The training material contained in this course is available without restriction. However, please be aware that the representation of certain concepts in the course could be subject to differing professional and personal opinions. We caution that knowledge, experience and sound judgment be used by anyone attempting to translate these materials into instructional programs for emergency responders and others.
We encourage you to utilize this material, as appropriate, in your training programs and to make these resources available to other emergency services organizations that reveal a genuine need for such information.
If you have any questions on this material please contact Jim Bisker on 301-903-6542.
Hanford Fire Department Radiation Fundamentals for Emergency Responders
The Hanford Fire Department developed this training material to assist emergency responders located at or near a Department of Energy (DOE) site radiological transportation route. The transportation of radioactive materials is well regulated and very safe. The chances that an emergency responder will be involved in a radiological transportation incident are minimal because the DOE has developed comprehensive transportation and disposal plans designed to help prevent radiological accidents. Never-the-less, the Hanford Fire Department has developed this training to assist emergency responders in understanding the hazards in responding to events involving radioactive materials, to know the fundamentals of radioactive contamination, to understand the biological affects of exposure to radioactive materials, and to know how to appropriately respond to hazardous material events involving radioactive materials.
The training material contained in this course is available without restriction. However, please be aware that the representation of certain concepts in the course could be subject to differing professional and personal opinions. We caution that knowledge, experience and sound judgment be used by anyone attempting to translate these materials into instructional programs for emergency responders and others.
We also encourage you to utilize this material, as appropriate, in your training programs and to make these resources available to other emergency services organizations that reveal a genuine need for such information.
- Radioactive Materials Emergencies Course Presentation
- Section 1: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Course Handout
- Section 2: Packaging, Transportation and Storage of Radioactive Materials
- Section 3: Radiological Emergencies