Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Departmental Vetting Policy and Outreach ensures that individuals who are being considered for access to classified information or special nuclear material (SNM) meet national standards of honesty, reliability, and trustworthiness. Because each Federal agency's program is similar, most questions come from personnel who have never had a security clearance (DOE calls it an access authorization) or who are confused because they had clearances at agencies that had requirements that differ slightly from DOE's. Additional information for applicants can be found at "Overview of Access Authorization Process for Applicants”
Q: What is Trusted Workforce?
A:. Launched in 2018, Trusted Workforce 2.0 is the most far-reaching reform of the Federal Government’s personnel vetting system ever. TW 2.0 reimagines what it means to establish and maintain a relationship of trust with an individual throughout their affiliation with the Government. The Executive Branch is moving forward with implementation, which will yield great benefits for the Federal Government, its workforce, and the American people.
Q: What is Rap Back?
A: Rap Back stands for Record of Arrest and Prosecution BACK. This is a Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) service that allows authorized government agencies to receive notification of activity on individuals who hold positions of trust or who are under criminal justice supervision or investigation, thus eliminating the need for repeated background checks on a person from the same applicant agency.
Q: Is Rap Back part of Continuous Evaluation?
A: No, Rap Back and Continuous Evaluation are elements of the new Trusted Workforce 2.0 Continuous Vetting framework. Your cognizant personnel security office will analyze information gathered from the continuous evaluation system, Rap Back and other sources to make a determination on continuing your access authorization. This can be done in place of, or in conjunction with a periodic reinvestigation.
Q: What do FBI Rap Back checks look for?
A: An FBI Rap Back check includes a list of public federal misdemeanor and felony convictions. The check may include basic information about the charge, conviction, and resulting incarcerations.
Q: How far back does an FBI Rap Back check go?
A: The FBI provides the entire Criminal History Record for the individual. There is no time limitation.
Q: What happens if something comes up on my Rap Back?
A: The personnel security office with cognizance over your eligibility for access to classified information will process the information in accordance with established processes and procedures.
Q: How will I know if I need to be refingerprinted?
A: Individuals required to be refingerprinted will be contacted by their Cognizant Personnel Security Office or other security official, who will then provide them with instructions on how to begin the process and the timeframe by which they have to complete enrollment and re-fingerprinting.
Q: What happens if I refuse to get refingerprinted?
A: Your cooperation if/when contacted to provide updated fingerprints is imperative in the determination of your continued eligibility for access to classified information in accordance with Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 710, Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Matter or Special Nuclear Material, section 6. You may elect not to cooperate; however, such refusal may prevent DOE from reaching an affirmative finding required for continuing your access authorization. In this event, any access authorization then in effect may be administratively terminated.
Q: Where do I go to be refingerprinted?
A: You will be directed to your local authorized USAccess enrollment station.
Q: When will I be enrolled in Rap Back?
A: In accordance with the Executive Correspondence dated January 15, 2021, from the Director of National Intelligence in their role as the Security Executive Agent and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management in their role as the Suitability and Credentialing Executive Agent, the Department anticipates having their entire cleared population enrolled in Rap Back no later than September 30, 2022.
Q: How does drug use impact my ability to get an access authorization?
A: Use of illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, and misuse of other substances such as inhalants raise concerns about an individual's eligibility for an access authorization. Such activities call into question the person's willingness to follow rules and requirements, reliability, and good judgment. In general, individuals involved with illegal drugs or substance abuse will not be granted an access authorization.
Q: I've just been told that I need a background investigation in order to get a security clearance for a job I'm applying for. Is there somewhere I can get some information on that process?
A: The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) conducts the majority of background investigations for the Federal government. They have published a guide that answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the investigations process. You can find it on-line at
Q: I saw an ad for a job with DOE. It said that I would need a DOE access authorization. What is that, exactly? Is it the same thing as a security clearance?
A: It is almost the same. A DOE access authorization is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible for access to classified material when required by his or her official duties or is eligible for access to or control over special nuclear material. It is very similar to the security clearances granted by other Federal agencies for access to classified National Security Information. One major difference is that DOE access authorizations permit access to Restricted Data, a special category of classified information.
Q: I saw an advertisement for a job with a company that has a contract to perform work for DOE. The job sounds perfect for me, but the ad said that applicants must have a DOE access authorization. I don't have one. Can I still apply for this job?
A: Yes, you can definitely apply for the job. DOE requires that the following statement appear in advertisements for positions in which the selectee will need an access authorization: "Applicants selected will be subject to a Federal background investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information or matter." Under certain conditions, a security clearance from another Federal agency, such as the Department of Defense, may provide a rapid path to obtaining a DOE access authorization under the recent reciprocity initiative. Moreover, requiring job applicants to hold an access authorization in order to apply for the job is not permitted under DOE regulations.
Q: I currently work for a company where I am required to have a Top-Secret security clearance. If I apply for a job that requires a DOE access authorization, and I'm selected, will I have to have a new background investigation? I just had one two years ago.
A: If you have a current, Top-Secret security clearance, and your investigation was completed within the previous five years, you won't need to have another investigation in order for DOE to grant you an access authorization. The access authorization will be granted based on "reciprocity:" the principle that a security clearance or access authorization at the same level granted by any authorized Federal agency must be recognized and accepted by all other agencies without making the individual complete new forms or undergo a new investigation. Under reciprocity, a final Secret clearance would result in an L access authorization and a final Top-Secret clearance would support the granting of a Q access authorization from DOE. You would only need a new investigation if you were applying for a position that requires a higher type of access authorization than the one you hold. For example, if you hold a Secret clearance, and the position you are applying for requires a Top-Secret (Q) access authorization a more extensive investigation will be required.
Q: What if my last investigation was completed 5 years ago?
A: DOE can still accept your current security clearance under the principles of reciprocity. But, Executive Order 12968 and its implementing documents, which govern the administration of security clearances and access authorizations within the Executive Branch, require that individuals who hold Top Secret clearances or Q access authorizations be investigated every 5 years. So, if your current employer hasn't already started an update investigation for you, you'll be asked to submit paperwork right away so that DOE can request the update.
Q: Back up a minute! You just mentioned a "Q" access authorization. What is that and how does it relate to the Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential clearance terminology I'm familiar with?
A: Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential security clearances refer back to the level of National Security Information to which an individual may have access. Because DOE is granting access to Restricted Data and special nuclear material, it uses different terminology. Generally speaking, there are two types of access authorizations, the L and the Q. The L access authorization corresponds to the background investigation and administrative determination similar to what is completed by other agencies for Confidential and Secret National Security Information access clearances and the Q access authorization corresponds to the background investigation and administrative determination similar to what is completed by other agencies for a Top-Secret National Security Information access clearance. In addition, because RD information is more sensitive than NSI information, access to Secret Restricted Data requires a Q access authorization.
Q: I'm employed by a DOE contractor, and I currently have a Q access authorization. I saw a job advertised in the paper that required a Top-Secret clearance. Based on what you just said, would the agency that advertised that job accept my Q?
A: Under the reciprocity guidelines, a Q is the equivalent of a Top Secret. The investigation required for a Q is the same as the one required for a Top Secret, and with a Q an individual can be given access to Top Secret National Security Information if his or her duties require it. Unless the position in question has special requirements, your DOE Q should be accepted by the agency filling that job in the same way that DOE would accept a Top Secret clearance for a position requiring a Q.
Q: What do you mean by "special requirements?"
A: For access to some classified information, such as Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Programs (SAPS), additional requirements or special conditions may be imposed by the information owner even if the person is otherwise eligible to be granted a security clearance or access authorization based on reciprocity. Two common ones are the requirement for the individual to have a polygraph or counterintelligence polygraph examination before being hired, and the requirement that the individual not have any foreign-born relatives.
Q: Once I've been granted an access authorization, will I have to have another investigation?
A: Yes. Because individual circumstances can change in ways that might impact a person's ability to responsibly handle classified material, anyone who has an access authorization must be reinvestigated. Executive Order 12968 and its implementing documents require that individuals who hold a Q access authorization (or a Top-Secret clearance) must be reinvestigated at least every 5 years. Someone who holds an L access authorization (or a Secret clearance) will be reinvestigated at least every 10 years until the Executive Branch implements Trusted Workforce 2.0, which will eliminate the traditional 5 and 10 year reinvestigations.. A reinvestigation may be initiated at any time if the individual's conduct raises a security concern (for example, if the individual is arrested or frequently violates security procedures), or to determine that the individual has not repeated a pattern of conduct (such as drug use or financial issues) which might impact his or her continued eligibility for access to classified information.
Q: How do you determine if an individual can be granted an access authorization?
A: The decision to grant or deny an individual an access authorization is based on a review of information that he or she supplies and information gathered during the background investigation. All of the information, both positive and negative, is considered using the adjudicative guidelines which are promulgated by the Director of National Intelligence. Each guideline covers a broad security concern, the issues which may arise under that concern and the information which may mitigate the security concern. Personnel security specialists receive training in making decisions based on the guidelines and must document what they considered in deciding whether or not to recommend granting an access authorization to an individual. Information concerning the issues that are considered under the adjudicative guidelines Security Executive Agent Directive 4, National Adjudicative Guidelines
Q: What if DOE decides that I am not qualified for an access authorization? Do I have any right to appeal the decision?
A: Yes. If DOE proposes not to grant an access authorization to an individual, a formal process called Administrative Review (AR) is implemented. AR ensures that the individual is granted full due process rights, including the right to see all the information that has been used to make the determination and to present any information that he or she wants to have on the record. Information concerning the AR process can be found in 10 CFR 710.
Q: How can I get a copy of the information in my personnel security file?
A: Information in your personnel security file falls into two categories, the information you provide to DOE and which DOE develops about you; and the information which is collected about you by the investigative agencies during a background investigation. You can obtain copies of information DOE develops about you and copies of items such as your security forms directly from DOE by making a request to the Privacy Act officer at the site where the personnel security office that handled your file is located. Copies of your background investigation must be requested from the Privacy Act officer at the agency that conducted the investigation. The request should include your full name, social security number, date and place of birth, signature, and home address. /management/freedom-information-act
For the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency, which conducts the majority of DOE's investigations, the request should be sent to:
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (724) 794-4590
Mailing Address:
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
ATTN: FOIA and Privacy Office for Investigations
1137 Branchton Road, P.O. Box 618
Boyers, PA 16018
FOIA requests to the FOI/P Office for Investigations may be submitted using the INV 100 Freedom of Information / Privacy Act Records Request for Background Investigations form.
FOIA Requests (
[email protected]
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