May 16, 2013
Presenter: Roger Claycomb, Work Control Program Manager, DOE Idaho Operations Office
Topics Covered: Contractor Good Practices:
- All contractors evaluate WP&C as part of their CAS
- URS performing corporate Phase II implementation reviews at sites where they are EM’s lead contractor
- NWP (WIPP contractor) implemented in the field senior management review process
- WCH (RL contractor) placed planners in central work control management organization
- SRNS (SR contractor) implemented independent review board evaluation of WP&C
- WRPS (ORP contractor) implemented WP&C mentor program
- CHPRC (RL Contractor) evaluated URS and EFCOG guidance documents to validate core requirements were met
- CWI (ICP contractor in Idaho) revising work control process consistent with EFCOG Guide
- ITG (AMWTP contractor in Idaho) developed hazard screening tool for field use with a tablet PC
- DOE EM Good Practices - Created Field Office WP&C SMEs, Involvement of Field Office personnel on EM-HQ assessments, Involvement of EM-HQ personnel on Field Office reviews, Annual ISM Declaration criteria for WP&C performance measures and oversight results