Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan - Chapter 7, Department of Energy Headquarters Safeguards and Security Survey Program

Describes the responsibilities, requirements and methodology for the implementation of the Safeguards and Security Survey Program at DOE Headquarters.

Office of Environment, Health, Safety & Security

July 25, 2024
minute read time

Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan - Chapter 7, Department of Energy Headquarters Safeguards and Security Survey Program

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the responsibilities, requirements, and methodology for the implementation of the Safeguards and Security (S&S) Survey Program at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters (HQ) in accordance with DOE Order 470.4B Chg. 3 (LtdChg), Safeguards and Security Program, Appendix A, Section 2, Survey, Review, and Self-Assessment Programs, requirements.  The S&S Survey Program documents the required evaluation of DOE HQ S&S programs, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and provides for timely identification and correction of program deficiencies and noncompliant conditions for the purpose of preventing adverse events and improving the overall S&S posture of DOE HQ.

The S&S Survey Program provides assurance to the Secretary of Energy, Departmental Elements, and other government agencies (OGAs) that DOE S&S interests and activities are protected at the required levels.  These programs also provide a basis for line management to make decisions regarding S&S program activities, including the allocation of resources, acceptance of risk, and mitigation of vulnerabilities.