Contractor Work Planning and Control URS Lessons Learned

Presenters: Bob McQuinn, Frank McCoy, Rick Runnels

Office of Environment, Health, Safety & Security

May 31, 2013
minute read time

May 16, 2013

Presenters: Bob McQuinn, Frank McCoy, Rick Runnels, URS

Topics Covered:

  • Nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems
  • Success comes one small victory at a time
  • Everything we do (including fundamentals like work planning and control) requires periodic reinvigoration
  • What is our work planning and control initiative and why are we doing it?
  • What did we learn as we wrote the URS Standard?
  • Why did we revise our Standard?
  • What did we learn from our Phase 1 (Program) assessments?
  • What are we learning from our phase 11 (Implementation) assessments?
  • Why is this so difficult?
  • What are we doing to overcome the difficulty?
  • What else are we doing to improve our performance?