DOE Classification Training institute information, course catalog and Registration Form.
Office of Environment, Health, Safety & Security
April 15, 2024The Classification Training Institute (CTI) offers courses for DOE and non-DOE agency persons with access to RD, FRD, and TNFI. Within DOE, CTI provides training to DOE and NNSA Headquarters Derivative Classifiers. CTI also trains all DOE original classifiers, Program Classification Officers, Classification Officers, and Classification Representatives. Courses are also available for non-DOE agency personnel involved in historical records review programs, and who have access to or need to classify matter containing RD, FRD, or TFNI.
The CTI catalog provides descriptions of courses, requirements to attend, the schedule, and points of contact. The catalog indicates which courses are virtual and which are instructor led. Registration forms are required. Wait lists will be generated from submitted registration forms and invitations will be sent to those on the wait list as courses are scheduled. If a course is not on the schedule, you may either fill out a registration form with the date blank, or email or phone the point of contact identified in the catalog. Courses may also be requested outside of DOE Headquarters. A class size of 10 is generally considered necessary to justify a course outside of DOE Headquarters and are dependent of availability of resources.