Wind Market Reports: 2023 Edition

The U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 offshore, land-based, and distributed wind market reports show that wind power continues to be one of the fastest growing and lowest-cost sources of electricity in America and is poised for rapid growth, thanks in part to the Inflation Reduction Act.

Click on each report cover to learn more.

Offshore Wind Energy   

The Offshore Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition provides detailed information on the global offshore wind energy industry through Dec. 31, 2022, and tracks U.S. projects in various stages of development through May 31, 2023.

Land-Based Wind Energy

The Land-Based Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition provides an overview of trends in the U.S. wind power market, with a particular focus on the year 2022. This report primarily focuses on land-based, utility-scale wind turbines over 100 kilowatts.

Distributed Wind Energy

The Distributed Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition provides statistics and analysis of U.S. distributed wind energy for 2003–2022. Distributed wind turbines are connected at the distribution level of an electricity system, or in off-grid applications, to serve local energy needs.

An icon of a wind turbine floating in water.

52,687 MW

is the potential generating capacity of the U.S. offshore wind energy project development and operational pipeline, a 15% increase since last year.

An icon of a wind turbine in hills.

144,173 MW

is the amount of land-based wind capacity installed in the United States by the end of 2022, including 8,511 MW added across 14 states in 2022.

An icon of a wind turbine next to a farm.

1,104 MW

is the amount of distributed wind capacity installed in the United States from 2003 to 2022, including 29.5 MW added across 13 states in 2022.

An icon of a dollar bill.

$2.7 billion

was invested in the domestic offshore wind industry to develop ports, vessels, supply chain, and transmission in 2022.

An icon of a group of people.

125,580 jobs

help power the domestic land-based wind energy industry after the number of full-time workers increased by 4.5% in 2022.

An icon of an increasing bar graph

$84 million 

was invested in new U.S. distributed wind projects in 2022, which is a $43 million increase from the previous year in 2021.

An icon of shaking hands.

13 states

have policies that collectively support 112,286 MW of offshore wind by 2050.

An icon of a shining lightbulb.

12 states

got more than 20% of their electricity supply from land-based wind energy in 2022.

An icon of a wind turbine.

90,000 turbines

are installed in distributed wind applications in all 50 states as of 2022. 



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