These resources provide more information about wind energy research within the United States and abroad. Consumer and research-oriented resources and wind energy-oriented associations and educational resources are available here.
Research Laboratories
Research laboratories in the United States and throughout the world that are involved in wind energy research.
U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
International Research Laboratories
Federal agencies that are involved in wind power activities.
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Federal Aviation Administration: Obstruction Evaluation / Airport Airspace Analysis
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Integration of Renewables
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Earth System Research Laboratory
University Wind Energy Research Programs
Universities in the United States and abroad that support wind energy research programs.
- For wind energy education and training programs in the United States, see WINDExchange
- Delft University: Wind Energy Research Institute
Wind Energy Associations and Organizations
Associations or organizations that focus on researching and supporting the growth of wind energy throughout the world.
United States
- American Clean Power
- Distributed Wind Energy Association
- National Wind Coordinating Collaborative
- Energy Systems Integration Group
- Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative
- Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute
- Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy
- Business Network for Offshore Wind
- International Energy Agency: Wind
- British Wind Energy Association
- Canadian Wind Energy Association
- Wind Europe
- Danish Wind Industry Association
- German Wind Energy Institute
- Irish Wind Energy Association
Educational Resources
Educational resources include classroom activities and projects for children ranging in age from kindergarten to high school.
- OpenEI: Wind for Schools
- EIA Energy Kids
- EERE Education
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Energy Basics
- Texas State Energy Conservation Office: Renewable Energy Lesson Plans
Homeowner Resources
Sites that provide information and resources for homeowners who are interested in utilizing wind energy in their homes.