
These photographs, videos, maps, and animations provide information about wind energy resources and the Wind Energy Technologies Office.


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Image Gallery has a collection of wind energy photographs. Additional photographs are also available from the American Wind Energy Association. Distributed wind photographs are available from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Distributed Wind Photo Gallery

For more information about the case studies highlighted this gallery, see the Distributed Wind Photo Gallery page.


The following videos provide basic information about wind energy and projects supported by the Wind Energy Technologies Office.

Wind Turbines 101

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See how wind turbines generate clean electricity from the power of wind.
U.S. Department of Energy

DOE's "Wind Turbines 101" video explains how wind technologies work and highlights some of the Wind Energy Technologies Office's efforts in R&D in this area.

Tour a Wind Turbine

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Get an exclusive and entertaining look inside of a wind turbine. Simon and Andy strap GoPro cameras to their heads and guide you as they travel 270 feet up to the top of a turbine at the National Wind Technology Center in Golden, CO.
U.S. Department of Energy

Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e): Enabling the Wind Plant of Tomorrow

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A2e is a multi-year U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research initiative targeting significant reductions in the cost of wind energy through an improved understanding of the complex physics governing electricity generation by wind plants.
Video courtesy of the Department of Energy

Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) is a multi-year DOE research initiative targeting significant reductions in the cost of wind energy through an improved understanding of the complex physics governing electricity generation by wind plants. The goal of A2e is to ensure future wind plants are sited, built, and operated in a way that produces the most cost-effective, usable electric power.

America's First Offshore Wind Farm

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America's First Offshore Wind Farm
U.S. Department of Energy

Transforming Wind Turbine Blade Mold Manufacturing with 3D Printing

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Video courtesy of the Department of Energy

Energy by the Numbers: Collegiate Wind Competition

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The U.S. Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition prepares students from multiple disciplines to enter tomorrow’s wind energy workforce. As part of the competition, undergraduate students build and test a wind turbine, establish a deployment strategy, and develop and deliver a business plan.
U.S. Department of Energy

Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) Timelapse

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The DOE/Sandia Scaled Wind Farm Technology facility at the Reese Technology Center in Lubbock, Texas allows for rapid, cost-efficient wind energy testing and development.
Sandia National Laboratories

Wind Turbine Timelapse

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A timelapse video of wind turbines.
U.S. Department of Energy

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory installs a 1.5-MW wind turbine at its National Wind Technology Center. Text version.

Wind Vision Videos

Learn more about Wind Vision—the Energy Department's new initiative to revisit the findings of the 2008 DOE 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report and to develop a renewed vision for U.S. wind power research, development, and deployment—by watching the videos below.

Department of Energy Wind Vision: An Industry Preview

The U.S. Department of Energy previewed findings of the Wind Vision report at the American Wind Energy Association’s WINDPOWER conference in May 2014. An earlier industry update from 2013 is also available.

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Wind Program Director Jose Zayas kicked off the development process for the program's new wind vision during his speech at the American Wind Energy Association's WINDPOWER Conference in Chicago in May 2013.
U.S. Department of Energy

Wind Vision Testimonials

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Five years after its initial release, wind industry leaders reflect on the impacts of the 2008 20% Wind Energy by 2030 study. Video from the Wind Energy Foundation.
U.S. Department of Energy

Wind Vision Animated Video

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Take a fly-by tour with this video animation focused on visualizing the Wind Vision project's main question: What will the future of wind energy in the United States look like? Animated video for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
U.S. Department of Energy



A map of the wind resources in the United States, including the high offshore wind resources

WINDExchange provides wind maps and validation to help homeowners, communities, states and regions consider and plan for wind energy deployment. The maps show the existing wind capacity and the potential wind resources up to 140 meters above ground, including land-based and offshore maps. Read about the available wind maps for utility-, community-, and residential-scale wind development. 

The United States Wind Turbine Database provides a publicly available, spatially referenced, national dataset of wind turbine locations and their corresponding facility information and turbine technical specifications. The project compiled wind turbine information from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and United States Geological Survey (USGS) dataset, as well as online sources.

Screenshot of the U.S. Wind Turbine Database map.
Screenshot of the WETO projects map.

The Wind Energy Technologies Office Projects Map shows the office’s investments in wind research, development, and testing projects across the country.