Wind Resource Assessment and Characterization News

A buoy with lots of instruments floats in the ocean with an island in the background.
WETO and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s floating scientific research buoy is stationed in Hawai'i to collect offshore wind resource, meteorological, and oceanographic data that can be used to compare wind model predictions with actual data.
A graphic of a rotating wind turbine with turbulent wind movements streaming out, like a wave, behind it.
The American WAKE experimeNt—a massive data collection effort funded by WETO—could help U.S. wind farms produce more energy, increase profits, and, eventually, reduce electricity prices for consumers.
Shaw and wife Maja exploring the National Mall.
After 31 years at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Wind Energy Program Manager Will Shaw has retired. From the Atmosphere to Electrons initiative to offshore wind buoys, it’s been a wind energy career he’s enjoyed with “gust-o.”