Wind News

Stay current on wind energy news from the U.S. Department of Energy. For more detailed updates on wind energy research and development activities, breakthroughs, and resources, see our wind newsletters

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month branding featuring Jian Fu.
May is Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Get to know Jian Fu, one of EERE's team members working to make affordable clean energy accessible to everyone.
New NREL research illustrates that as the United States moves to decarbonize, distributed wind energy systems, such as this one, could be increasingly valuable as rural residents, businesses, and communities drive their own transition to a clean energy future.
A new study indicates that nearly 1,400 gigawatts of distributed wind capacity could be profitably deployed today across the United States, which amounts to more than half of the nation’s current annual electricity consumption.
A graphic of a rotating wind turbine with turbulent wind movements streaming out, like a wave, behind it.
The American WAKE experimeNt—a massive data collection effort funded by WETO—could help U.S. wind farms produce more energy, increase profits, and, eventually, reduce electricity prices for consumers.