
WISDEM Update Improves User Experience, Takes Systems Engineering Approach to Wind Energy Project Design

WISDEM software creates a virtual, vertically integrated wind plant from components to operations.

Wind Energy Technologies Office

February 1, 2021
minute read time

The Wind Plant Integrated Systems Design and Engineering Model (WISDEM) has been upgraded to improve the user experience. Developed by DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, WISDEM is a systems engineering software tool that couples engineering and cost models to help engineers understand system-level tradeoffs of design tweaks and take a holistic, systemic approach to their designs. The software allows users to swap out the blades in a turbine design, for example, and then evaluate what the impact of this change would be on other components, as well as on the overall cost and performance of the whole turbine. Thanks to recent updates—including the development of a cohesive documentation guide, the addition of WISDEM case studies, and the incorporation of a new drivetrain model—the tool is now more user-friendly than ever before. Explore the new WISDEM interface and features.

  • Wind Energy
  • Clean Energy
  • Next-Generation Energy Technologies
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Commercial Implementation