Roadmap for Wind Cybersecurity

The Roadmap for Wind Cybersecurity outlines the increasing challenges of cyber threats to the wind industry.

Wind Energy Technologies Office

July 28, 2020
minute read time

The Roadmap for Wind Cybersecurity outlines the increasing challenges of cyber threats to the wind industry, its technologies, and control systems and presents a framework of activities and best practices that the wind industry can use to improve its cybersecurity.

Funded by WETO, the Roadmap features written contributions from authors at DOE’s National Laboratories and is intended to:

  • Raise wind industry awareness of increasing cyber threats and vulnerabilities to wind technologies and industrial control systems
  • Lay out a time-phased framework for addressing such weaknesses in the near-, mid-, and long-term
  • Illuminate best practices that apply to the wind industry
  • Identify research needs, gaps, and opportunities that might advance technology and strengthen protections
  • Inform future R&D investments in this area.

Although specific to wind, the Roadmap’s strategies are likely applicable to other forms of energy and industrial control systems. As the percentage of wind and other renewable energy systems grows among power generators in the United States, cybersecurity for integrated control systems and related technology has become an increasingly important and urgent matter. Strategies for cybersecurity assessment, protection, threat detection, response, and recovery include an array of wind-specific cyber-research and development, further development of standards and protocols, the promotion of best practices for cybersecurity, and expanded information sharing and engagement among wind energy stakeholders.

Download the Roadmap: