
DOE Announces $33 Million to Advance Energy Research Across America

DOE announced funding to two wind energy projects as part of a program to ensure research funding is reaching the pockets of the country that traditionally have received disproportionately low amounts of Federal scientific funding.

Wind Energy Technologies Office

August 15, 2023
minute read time

DOE announced $33 million to support 14 clean energy research projects as part of a program to ensure the Department’s research funding is reaching the pockets of the country that traditionally have received disproportionately low amounts of Federal scientific funding. The projects will cover a range of topics, two of them being wind-related. 

  • University of New Hampshire (Durham, N.H.): Developing models for marine atmosphere boundary layers to address atmospheric turbulence and impact on wind turbine performance.
  • University of Rhode Island (Kingston, R.I.): Building and testing response systems to protect floating wind turbines and maximize power production during difficult weather conditions.
  • Clean Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Investing in America