Construction and Building Inspector

Job Details



Median Pay

$61,640 per year

Job Type


Typical Entry-Level
Education and Work

High school diploma or equivalent, experience in a construction trade

Alternate Titles

Quality-control inspector

Job Description

Construction and building inspectors ensure that construction meets local and federal building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.

Education and Training Description

Most employers require construction and building inspectors to have a high school diploma and prior experience in a construction trade. Trade experience might include work as an electrician, plumber, carpenter, or mechanic prior to working as a construction and building inspector. In the marine energy industry, experience in marine construction trades is preferred.

As the marine energy industry develops, construction and building inspectors will generally receive on-the-job training under an experienced inspector to learn about inspection techniques; codes, ordinances, and regulations; contract specifications; and record-keeping and reporting duties. After completing the required training, most federal, state, and local marine energy regulatory agencies will require inspectors to earn a license or certification. Some states may require individual licensing programs, while other states require certifications by associations, such as the International Code Council, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, and the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.

Job Profile

Currently, few commercial marine energy arrays exist, so there are few dedicated marine energy construction and building inspectors. As more commercial marine energy arrays become operational, more construction and building inspectors will be hired in the marine energy field. 

Construction and building inspectors in the marine energy industry ensure safety compliance of onshore structures and systems (such as docks, grid interconnections, and other onshore facilities) as well as offshore marine energy arrays (including marine infrastructure, electrical systems, and other components). 

Inspectors typically check a project several times throughout the construction stages. They will often perform an initial check in the early construction phase, follow-up inspections as the project progresses, and a comprehensive examination after completion. After each inspection, they may provide written or oral feedback about their findings.

Marine energy construction inspectors understand marine building rules and regulations as well as construction principles, methods, materials, and equipment. They read and interpret construction specifications, blueprints, and plans, then inspect construction sites to determine if a project has deviated from these plans or fails to meet required codes and regulations.

Construction and building inspectors typically:

  • Review onshore and offshore construction plans and approve those that meet requirements
  • Monitor construction sites periodically to ensure overall compliance
  • Use equipment and testing devices, such as moisture meters, to check for plumbing leaks or water damage and electrical testers to ensure that electrical components are functional and properly grounded
  • Inspect plumbing, electrical, and other systems to ensure that they meet code
  • Use survey equipment to verify alignment, level, and elevation of structures and ensure buildings meet specifications
  • Issue violation notices and stop-work orders if a building is not compliant
  • Keep daily logs, which may include digital images from inspections
  • Document findings in writing.

Job Skills

Construction and building inspectors typically need:

  • Communication skills. Inspectors must be able to explain problems they discover and to write a report that clearly describes their findings.
  • To be detail oriented. Inspectors thoroughly examine many different construction activities. They must pay close attention so as not to overlook any details.
  • Mechanical knowledge. Inspectors use a variety of testing equipment to check complex systems and must therefore understand how the systems operate.
  • Physical stamina. Inspectors are frequently on their feet and often climb and crawl through attics and other tight spaces. As a result, they should be physically fit.

More Information, Job Opportunities, Etc.

For more information on construction and building inspectors, see: 
