Fact #932: July 4, 2016 Longer Combination Trucks Are Only Permitted on Some Routes

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Although all states allow the conventional combinations consisting of two 28-foot semi-trailers, only 14 states and six state turnpike authorities allow longer combination vehicles (LCVs) on some parts of their road networks. LCVs are tractors pulling a semi-trailer and trailer, with at least one—the semi-trailer, the trailer, or both—longer than 28 feet. The routes that these LCVs can travel have not changed since 1991.

Routes Where Longer Combination Vehicles Are Permitted, 2014

Map of the U.S. showing routes where longer combination vehicles are permitted in 2014

Note: Empty triples are allowed on I-80 in Nebraska.

Fact #932 Dataset

Supporting Information

States or State Turnpike Authorities that Allow LCVs on Selected Routes
Florida Turnpike AuthorityNebraska
Indiana Turnpike AuthorityNew York Turnpike Authority
Kansas Turnpike AuthorityNorth Dakota
Massachusetts Turnpike AuthoritySouth Dakota
Ohio Turnpike AuthorityWyoming

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2015 Vehicle Technologies Market Report, ORNL/TM-2016/124, April 2016, Figure 149.

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