Fact #866: March 30, 2015 Light Vehicles Priced from $30-35,000 Are the Biggest Sellers in 2013

In 2013, there were about 3.8 million light vehicles sold with prices ranging from $30-35,000, which was the category with the highest sales volume. In contrast to 2013, the highest sales volume in 2008 was in the $25-30,000 range. About 3 million more vehicles were sold overall in 2013 compared to 2008. There were more high-priced vehicles sold in 2013, particularly in the $40-45,000 price range.

Light Vehicle Sales by Price Range, Calendar Years 2008 and 2013


Note: Prices based on Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP).

Fact #866 Dataset

Supporting Information

Light Vehicle Sales by Price Range, Calendar Years 2008 and 2013
Price Range of Vehicle
in 2013 Dollars
Calendar Year 2008Calendar Year 2013
$80,000 & up123,867275,937

Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2014 Vehicle Technologies Market Report, ORNL/TM-2015/85, March 2015.

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