Fact #786: July 1, 2013 Use of Lightweight Materials is on the Rise

As automakers strive to improve fuel economy, they have turned increasingly to lightweight materials to reduce overall vehicle weight. For example, most light vehicle engine blocks are now made of aluminum rather than cast iron, and in many cases, aluminum wheels have replaced heavier steel wheels as standard equipment. Use of regular steel has declined by an average of 172 pounds per vehicle from 1995 to 2011 while the use of high and medium strength steels has increased by 284 lbs. per vehicle. The increased use of high and medium strength steel is significant because it allows manufacturers to improve the structural integrity of vehicles while keeping the overall vehicle weight to a minimum. The use of plastics and composites has also increased by 57% and lightweight magnesium castings have seen greater use in dashboards and other interior applications such as seat components, replacing the heavier steel components that were previously used.

Average Material Content of Light Vehicles, 1995-2011

Supporting Information

Average Material Content of Light Vehicles, 1995-2011 (Pounds of material per vehicle)
Regular Steel1,6301,6361,6491,6691,6621,6551,6521,6491,6461,6501,6341,6221,6441,6291,5011,5421,458
High & Medium Strength Steel324333346378390408424443460479491500518523524559608
Stainless Steel5153555960626364657071737575697373
Other Steels4644424030262830323435353434313332
Iron Castings466444438438436432384355336331328331322301206237275
Magnesium Castings466778109101010101011121312
Copper and Brass5051535352525355575959615364636567
Zinc Castings191918171413111010101010910999
Powder Metal2928313335363839414342424343414141
Other Metals44444444454555565
Plastics/Plastic Composites240257260278265286298307319337332338331343376378377
Fluids & Lubricants192198199201204207208209210210210211215214219226223
Other Materials6465655866717579838786889291909294
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2012 Vehicle Technologies Market Report, February 2013, accessed May 30, 2013 and Wards Communications.

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