
The Vehicle Technologies Office holds a number of events to advance research, development and deployment of vehicles that can reduce the use of petroleum in transportation.

The Vehicle Technologies Office holds an Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation each year, where advanced vehicle technologies projects funded by VTO are presented and reviewed for their merit. The Merit Review presentations and reports from past years are listed on the Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting page.

The Directions in Engine Efficiency and Emissions Research (DEER) conference was held from 2002-2012 to share information on advanced combustion research and development. The presentations from past conferences are listed on the DEER webpage

To develop the EV Everywhere Blueprint, a document describing technology performance and cost targets for 2022 in key plug-in electric vehicle technical areas, the Department held a series of workshops across the country in the summer and fall of 2012.  These workshops brought together experts from industry, academia, state and local government, and other stakeholder organizations. 

In support of EV Everywhere, the Workplace Charging Challenge Summit 2014 convened nearly 150 Challenge partners and ambassadors from across the country to engage in peer-to-peer exchange and obtain new resources for installing and promoting workplace charging. 

Clean Cities, the Vehicle Technologies Office's deployment program, holds a number of workshops to advance the deployment of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles.  Information about past and future events are on the Clean Cities website.

The calendar below lists upcoming events that are organized or supported by the Vehicle Technologies Office.

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