October 17, 2022: Chicago Census Tracts with High-Income Households and Fewer Household Vehicles Used Ride Hailing More Often

An analysis of Chicago-area ride hailing data shows that those in census tracts with higher-income households and fewer household vehicles more commonly used Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft.

Vehicle Technologies Office

October 17, 2022
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An analysis of Chicago-area ride hailing data shows that those in census tracts with higher-income households and fewer household vehicles more commonly used Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. Chicago-area census tracts were classified by average annual household income and average number of vehicles owned. In census tracts with household income less than $35,000, nearly all had an average of less than 100 annual TNC trips per capita. In census tracts with household income between $35,000 and $75,000, nearly all had an average of less than 200 annual TNC trips per capita. In census tracts with household income over $75,000, there was great variation in the average number of TNC trips, with one tract averaging 1,025 annual trips per capita.

Average Annual TNC Trips in Chicago Census Tracts, Grouped by Income and Vehicle Ownership

Note: Each dot represents one census tract in the Chicago area. Trips were classified into census tracts based on the location where the trip began. This dataset contains trip-level data for all TNC trips in Chicago between November 2018 and December 2021.

Source: Argonne National Laboratory, Shared Mobility Data Availability and Usage Trends, ANL/ESD-22/9, May 2022.

Fact #1260 Dataset (115.65 KB)