FOTW #1032, June 4, 2018: Workers in New York State Had the Longest Commute Times in 2016

Commute times for workers in New York State averaged 32.6 minutes (one-way) in 2016.

Vehicle Technologies Office

June 4, 2018
minute read time

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Commute times for workers in New York State averaged 32.6 minutes (one-way) in 2016, according to the recently released 2016 American Community Survey. Maryland and New Jersey also had average commute times over 30 minutes, likely due to traffic and urban sprawl. The United States as a whole averaged about 26 minutes (yellow bar). On the other end of the scale, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana had average commute times of less than 18 minutes.

Graph showing the average travel time to work by state in 2016.

Note: Commute times are one-way.

U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2012-2016 American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates, Table GCT0801.

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