DOE SSL R&D Workshop
About 350 attendees gathered in San Diego, California, to participate in the eighth annual DOE SSL R&D Workshop, sharing insights on today's products and tomorrow's lighting systems and exploring the barriers and opportunities that will affect the speed of SSL market adoption.
APRIL 2011
DOE SSL Manufacturing R&D Workshop
Nearly 250 attendees gathered at the third annual DOE SSL Manufacturing R&D Workshop in Boston, MA, to examine manufacturing issues and technology trends, share strategies for improving product quality and reducing costs, and discuss proposed updates to the DOE SSL Manufacturing Roadmap.
JULY 2011
DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop
More than 275 attendees gathered at the sixth annual DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop in Seattle, WA, to share the latest updates and strategies for successful market introduction of high-quality, energy-efficient SSL solutions. The workshop was preceded by a series of tutorials for those new to SSL.
DOE SSL R&D Workshop
Nearly 300 attendees gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, to participate in the ninth annual DOE SSL R&D Workshop, sharing insights on the latest technology advances and exploring the science challenges and technology hurdles that must be addressed for SSL to succeed. Attendees also had an opportunity to provide input that will guide updates to the DOE SSL R&D Multi-Year Program Plan.
JUNE 2012
DOE SSL Manufacturing R&D Workshop
Nearly 200 attendees gathered at the fourth annual DOE SSL Manufacturing R&D Workshop in San Jose, CA, to re-examine Manufacturing Roadmap priority topics, share strategies for improving product quality and reducing costs, and discuss manufacturing issues and technology trends.
JULY 2012
DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop
Nearly 200 attendees gathered at the seventh annual DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop in Pittsburgh, PA, to share the latest updates and strategies for successful market introduction of high-quality, energy-efficient SSL solutions. The workshop was preceded by a series of tutorials for those new to SSL.