Metrics and Test Methods

To augment our understanding of emerging lighting science and accelerate the development and implementation of metrics and test methods for SSL products, DOE conducts original research and works closely with a network of standards-setting organizations. Although this work spans a variety of topics, key focus areas include:

The primary goal of efforts related to metrics and test methods is to increase energy efficiency by enabling technology development and effective application of SSL products and systems. Accurate, clear, and robust metrics, test methods, and standards are useful for manufacturers creating product development targets, for specifiers and consumers seeking appropriate products, and for regulatory or specification bodies trying to differentiate products.

Because the SSL technology platform is fundamentally different from conventional lighting technologies, it has challenged many of the long-used lighting performance metrics, and, in some cases, has exposed the need for new metrics. Accurate and effective industry standard metrics and test methods are critical for SSL to realize its full technical potential in terms of energy efficiency, improved lighting quality, and successful application. 

Since 2006, DOE has facilitated ongoing dialogue with key metrics and standards development organizations to foster greater coordination and collaboration among related efforts. Technical support from DOE has been instrumental in the development of many standards that set the foundation for SSL product development and deployment, including: 

  • ANSI/IES LM-79-2019, Approved Method: Optical and Electrical Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products (original version published 2008)
  • ANSI/IES LM-80-2020, Approved Method: Measuring Luminous Flux and Color Maintenance of LED Packages, Arrays, and Modules (original version published 2008)
  • ANSI/IES TM-21-21, Technical Memorandum: Projecting Long-Term Luminous, Photon, and Radiant Flux Maintenance of LED Light Sources (original version published 2011)
  • ANSI/IES TM-30-24, Technical Memorandum: IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition (original version published 2015)
  • ANSI/IES TM-40-24, Technical Memorandum: IES Method for Determining Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and Distance from the Planckian Locus of Light Sources
  • IEEE 1789-2015, Recommended Practices for Modulating Current in High-Brightness LEDs for Mitigating Health Risks to Viewers
  • CIE 249:2022, Visual Aspects of Time-Modulated Lighting Systems
  • CIE 232:2019, Discomfort Caused by Glare from Luminaires with a Non-Uniform Source Luminance
  • CIE 236:2019, Lighting for Pedestrians: A Summary of Empirical Data
  • IES LM-90-20, Approved Method: Measuring Luminous Flux Waveforms for Use in Temporal Light Artifact (TLA) Calculations
  • ANSI/IES RP-3-20, Recommended Practice: Lighting for Educational Facilities
  • ANSI/IES LP-2-20, Designing Quality Lighting for People in Outdoor Environments
  • ANSI/IES LS-5-21, Lighting Science: Color
  • ANSI/IES TM-24-20, Technical Memorandum: An Optional Method for Adjusting the Recommended Illuminance for Visually Demanding Tasks Within IES Illuminance Categories P through Y Based on Light Source Spectrum
  • ANSI/IES LS-8-20, Lighting Science: Vision – Perceptions and Performance
  • ANSI/IES RP-43-22, Recommended Practice: Lighting Exterior Applications
  • ANSI/IES TM-37-22: Technical Memorandum: Description, Measurement, and Estimation of Sky Glow
  • ANSI/IES TM-38-21: Technical Memorandum: Photometric and Electrical Measurements of Tunable White Solid-State Lighting Products
  • ANSI C136.2-2018, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment: Dielectric Withstand and Electrical Transient Immunity Requirements
  • ANSI C136.48-2018, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment: Wireless Networked Lighting Controllers
  • ANSI C136.37-2019, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment: Solid State Light Sources Used in Roadway and Area Lighting
  • ANSI C136.50-2021, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment: Energy Measurement for a Network Lighting Control (NLC) Device with a Locking Type Receptacle
  • ANSI C136.52-2021, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment: Metering Performance Requirements for LED Drivers with Integral Energy Measurement
  • ANSI C137.5-2021, Lighting Systems: Energy Reporting Requirements for Lighting Devices
  • ANSI C137.6-2021, Lighting Systems: Data Tagging Vocabulary (Semantic Model Elements) for Interoperability
  • ANSI C137.63103-2021, Lighting Systems: Non-Active Mode Power Measurement
A grouping of logos from CIE, IES, ANSI, NEMA, IEEE, NIST, IEC, UL, and CSA International.

DOE efforts have contributed to building an SSL industry standards and specification infrastructure that is widely recognized and used. DOE leveraged PNNL’s internal test and measurement experience to drive the development of standards with ANSI, IES, and CIE on topics ranging from lighting quality to photometric testing to energy reporting.

DOE technical contributions and stakeholder education efforts have also been key to the development of numerous specifications. DOE technical support informs the work of ENERGY STAR, California Title 20/24 and Non-Residential efforts, and the DesignLights Consortium. Each published standard represents years of technical support and committee meetings to forge industry consensus. However, publishing a standard is just the beginning of its journey to widespread acceptance as a best practice. Standards acquire credibility over time through testing, measurements, and use in real-world specifications.

Once technical guidance has been articulated in a published standard, DOE continues to educate audiences on how to use the new standard, to help build the experience base that establishes validity and earns preference among professional practitioners.

LED Systems Reliability Consortium

In addition, DOE has long offered technical assistance and hosts conference calls to facilitate the ongoing work of the LED Systems Reliability Consortium (LSRC), which has developed and published several reports that deepen understanding of LED product performance and reliability. This group of industry experts continues to work collaboratively in an ongoing effort to develop an advanced luminaire reliability model for SSL manufacturers and end users, with a current focus on color shift and stability.