DOE Announces Selections for SSL Core Technology and Product Development Funding Opportunities (Round 5)

The National Energy Technology Laboratory, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is pleased to announce its selections for solid-state lighting (SSL) funding opportunities. Fourteen projects were chosen in response to Core Technology and Product Development Funding Opportunity Announcements (Round 5). These selections are anticipated to significantly contribute to the goal of the SSL program:

By 2025, develop advanced solid-state lighting technologies that, compared to conventional lighting technologies, are much more energy efficient, longer lasting, and cost competitive by targeting a product system efficiency of 50 percent with lighting that accurately reproduces sunlight spectrum.

Seven selections have been made in response to Core Technology Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-PS26-08NT00290. These selections are expected to fill key technology gaps, provide enabling knowledge or data, and represent a significant advancement in the SSL technology base. The total value of selections for Core Technology Research is $10.4 million; the performers of cooperative agreements will provide an average of 24 percent as cost-share.

Seven selections have been made in response to Product Development FOA DE-PS26-08NT00291. These selections are focused on the development or improvement of commercially viable materials, devices, or systems. Technical activities are focused on a targeted market application with fully defined price, efficacy, and other performance parameters necessary for success of the proposed product. The total value of Product Development selections is $15.6 million; the performers will provide an average of 27 percent as cost-share.

All 14 new selections are covered under the Exceptional Circumstances Determination issued by DOE in June 2004. The selections are listed below (subject to negotiation).

Core Technology Research Selections

Recipient: Eastman Kodak Company
Title: High Efficiency Colloidal Quantum Dot Phosphors
Summary: This project seeks to create white light emitting diodes (LEDs) composed of blue LEDs and colloidal red, green, and blue quantum dot phosphors. The final deliverables will be red, green, and blue quantum dot phosphors with dense film quantum efficiencies greater than 90%, optical scattering losses of less than 5%, and very good color stability up to 150º C.

Recipient: Kaai Inc.
Title: High Efficiency m-Plane LEDs on Low Defect Density Bulk GaN Substrates
Summary: This project seeks to develop LEDs in the nonpolar m-plane orientation of the GaN crystal and in the 400-460 nm emission wavelength range. Target results from this program will be high-performance, temperature- and wavelength-stable nonpolar LEDs with peak IQE >90% which exhibit minimal internal quantum efficiency roll-over at high current densities (>350 mA/mm2).

Recipient: QD Vision Inc.
Title: Quantum Dot Light Enhancement Substrate for OLED Solid-State Lighting
Team Members: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Summary: This project seeks to develop and demonstrate a cost-competitive solution for realizing increased extraction efficiency organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) with efficient and stable color rendering index (CRI) for SSL. Solution-processible quantum dot (QD) films will be utilized to generate tunable white emission from blue emitting phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED) devices.

Recipient: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Title: High Efficacy Green LEDs by Polarization Controlled Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Team Members: Kyma Technologies
Summary: This project seeks to address the issue of poor internal quantum efficiency of deep green emitters through new approaches of polarization control, including growth along non-polar directions of the material, avoidance of crystalline defects, and new approaches for the quantitative assessment of the internal quantum efficiency, to enhance the efficiency at which light is generated within the LED.

Recipient: University of Florida
Title: High Efficiency Organic Light Emitting Devices for Lighting
Team Members: Lehigh University
Summary: This project seeks to address three areas: fabrication of high efficiency white OLEDs using high triplet energy carrier transporting materials and electron transporting materials with high electron mobility to provide a good charge balance, fabrication of OLEDs with an internal scattering layer to extract thin film guide modes, and fabrication of microlens arrays to enhance the extraction of the substrate guided modes.

Recipient: University of Florida
Title: Top-Emitting White OLEDs with Ultrahigh Light Extraction Efficiency
Summary: This project seeks to demonstrate an ultra-effective (>80%) light extraction mechanism that can be universally applied to all top-emitting white OLEDs (TE-WOLEDs) and can be integrated with thin film encapsulation techniques.

Recipient: University of San Diego
Title: Phosphors for Near UV-Emitting LEDs for Efficacious Generation of White Light
Team Members: Osram Sylvania
Summary: This project seeks to develop and optimize nano- and submicronsize blue-, red- and particularly green-emitting phosphors with quantum efficiency, Eta exceeding 95% in response to excitation in the spectral region of 380-400 nm, and to design a layer of these phosphors by an electrophoretic deposition process for maximum light extraction in "remote phosphor application" mode.

Product Development Selections

Recipient: Cree Inc.
Title: SSL Luminaire with Novel Driver Architecture
Summary: The project seeks to develop an 81 lm/W SSL luminaire that emits at a color temperature of 2700K with a CRI >90. The project will involve an integrated development effort tailoring the LED chip characteristics to enable a high efficiency driver. This synergistic approach will establish a technology platform capable of providing high-efficiency components, drivers and luminaires.

Recipient: Dupont Displays Inc.
Title: Solution-Processed Small-Molecule OLED Luminaire for Interior Illumination
Summary: The project seeks to develop an SSL luminaire using low cost OLED solution-processing manufacturing techniques and high-performance solution-processible small molecule materials.

Recipient: Eastman Kodak Company
Title: OLED Lighting Panels
Summary: The project seeks the development of lighting panel architecture based on small molecule OLED and utilizing four key technology components: internal light extraction-enhancement structure, low voltage design, stacked architecture, and fluorescent-phosphorescent hybrid emitters. The object of the proposed project is to apply these technology components to construct OLED lighting panels with efficacy (>50 lm/W) and lifetime (>20,000 h). The proposed project will focus on developing structures and processes suitable for high-volume, low-cost manufacturing of these OLED lighting panels.

Recipient: Osram Sylvania Products Inc.
Title: Highly Efficient Small Form Factor LED Retrofit Lamp
Summary: The project seeks to develop a small form factor retrofit lamp consisting of a light engine, optics, drive electronics, and thermal management. The lamp is suitable for incandescent or halogen replacements in both commercial and residential applications.

Recipient: Philips Lighting Electronics North America
Title: High Efficiency Driving Electronics for General Illumination LED Luminaires
Team Members: Philips Research
Summary: The project seeks to produce the first product in a new generation of SSL drivers, with lower cost, smaller size and higher efficiency than present SSL drivers.

Recipient: Rohm and Haas Company
Title: High Refractive Index Encapsulants with High Thermal and Photochemical Stabilities for High-Brightness LED Applications
Summary: The project seeks to develop high-brightness light-emitting diode encapsulants that exceed commercially available systems in refractive index and performance lifetime.

Recipient: Universal Display Corporation
Title: High Efficacy Integrated Undercabinet Phosphorescent OLED Lighting Systems
Team Members: University of Michigan
Summary: The project seeks to develop a phosphorescent OLED undercabinet lighting fixture.