Improved Light Extraction by Engineering Molecular Properties of Square Planar Phosphorescent Emissive Materials

Lead Performer: Arizona State University – Tempe, AZ

Solid-State Lighting

June 17, 2019
minute read time

Lead Performer: Arizona State University – Tempe, AZ
Partners: None
DOE Total Funding: $700,000
Project Term: April 15, 2019 – September 30, 2021
Funding Type: SSL R&D Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) (DE-FOA-0001823)

Project Objective

This project investigates methods to improve light-extraction efficiency in OLEDs through better control and alignment of the phosphorescent emitter materials. The ultimate objective is to develop a cost-effective technology that could significantly improve light-outcoupling efficiency up to 70% and even higher. To achieve this goal, the research will focus on two main areas: 1) improving light-extraction efficiency through a better control of aligning the emitting dipole of phosphorescent emitters; and 2) fabricating a high-efficiency and stable monochromic, amber, and white OLED in the device settings.

Project Impact

The light-extraction improvement techniques with the control of emitting dipole alignment will generate zero additional cost to OLED fabrication and are compatible with any other light-outcoupling technologies. The project will provide a cost-effective solution to enhance light-extraction efficiency, easily exceeding the existing record of 40% for OLED panels at a reasonable manufacture cost, and could be the key to meeting DOE’s targeted performance goals for OLEDs.


DOE Technology Manager: Brian Walker, [email protected]
Lead Performer: Jian Li, Arizona State University