Funding Number: Request for Information (RFI): DE-FOA-0001764
Subprogram: Photovoltaics
The SunShot Initiative has issued a request for information (RFI) to gather insights from solar stakeholders about key research priorities for photovoltaic (PV) technology. In order to move toward the SunShot 2030 goal of $0.03 per kilowatt hour, the solar community must make significant improvements to PV technology. In particular, early-stage scientific and technological innovation that increases cell efficiency, improves long-term system reliability and durability, and maximizes annual energy production, while concurrently reducing supply chain and manufacturing costs, is critical to reducing the cost of solar electricity and supporting solar adoption. In addition, finding cost-effective solutions to integrate solar with energy storage will be important to facilitate integration into a resilient and reliable electrical grid with increased PV penetration.
This RFI covers four broad categories concerning innovation in PV R&D:
- Technological research priorities;
- Characterization and modeling techniques;
- Module packaging and reliability; and
- Portfolio evaluation.
Additional Information
Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to [email protected] no later than 5:00pm (ET) on August 14, 2017. Responses must be provided as attachments to an email. It is recommended that attachments with file sizes exceeding 25MB be compressed (i.e., zipped) to ensure message delivery. Responses must be provided as a Microsoft Word (.docx) attachment to the email and no more than 20 pages in length, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. Only electronic responses will be accepted.
Please identify your answers by responding to a specific question or topic if applicable. Respondents may answer as many or as few questions as they wish.
EERE will not respond to individual submissions or publish publicly a compendium of responses. A response to this RFI will not be viewed as a binding commitment to develop or pursue the project or ideas discussed.
Respondents are requested to provide the following information at the start of their response to this RFI:
- Company / institution name;
- Company / institution contact;
- Contact's address, phone number, and e-mail address.
EERE Exchange Link: Download the RFI to learn more about the solicitation.
See all open funding opportunities from SunShot.