Project Title: Low-Cost Wireless Voltage and Current Monitoring of the Distribution Grid
Funding Opportunity: Technology to Market 3
Solar Subprogram: Technology to Market
Location: Arnold, MD
Amount Awarded: $1,999,812
Awardee Cost Share: $500,000

This project is producing multi-sensor solar energy systems capable of operating wirelessly and without batteries by adapting low-cost, rugged, solid-state technology commonly used to filter radio frequency signals in mobile phones. A previous project by SenSanna developed and demonstrated a laboratory prototype sensor system for wireless temperature, voltage, current, and relative phase measurement on distribution grid power lines. This project will transition the prototype into the next phase, enabling the technology to undergo field trials for eventual commercial use.


The research team will use SenSanna’s proprietary surface acoustic wave sensor technology to produce passive, wireless multi-sensor systems that measure a wide range of parameters in harsh environments.  Efforts will focus on transitioning the laboratory prototype into a rugged, field-ready product prototype and demonstrate its functionality for up to 25 kV-class lines, both in normal operating conditions and low current regimes. 


This project will reduce the potential grid instability that can occur with high levels of solar energy generation. By using widespread cost-effective distributed wireless monitoring systems, grid operators can better understand grid conditions on a local level, analyze stresses introduced by solar generation fluctuations, and develop local energy storage and control strategies. The line monitoring systems being developed by this project are unique in that they do not contain any batteries or energy storage devices in the line mounted units, and they operate even at very low (or zero) current. This system will enable monitoring of large, low-current portions of the distribution grid where existing line monitoring products cannot operate.