PROJECT PROFILE: Pace Energy and Climate Center (Solar Market Pathways)

Title: Northeast Solar Energy Market Coalition (NESEMC) 


Funding OpportunitySolar Market Pathways
SunShot SubprogramSoft Costs
Location: White Plains, NY
Amount Awarded: $599,908
Awardee Cost Share: $150,000

The Pace Energy and Climate Center, in concert with a regional coalition of northeast solar photovoltaic business associations, is working to create a thriving and efficient regional market for solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. This project establishes the coalition, which includes representatives from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, identifies and engages with critical market policy initiatives, and communicates best practices to a wide range of audiences. For more information on this award and the Solar Market Pathways program, visit their website.


The Pace Energy and Climate Center is working to establish and operationalize the Northeast Solar Energy Market Coalition (NESMEC) coalition. The project team traveled to the Northeast to increase membership and establish representation in each of the nine states. Ultimately, NESMEC aims to create sustainable growth in solar PV markets by informing policy and market development through analysis, education, and collaboration among member organizations. The team will work with a variety of stakeholders to identify and engage with critical market initiatives, communicate best practices to regional and national audiences, and provide clarity and market insights for existing and future solar businesses in the region.


NESMEC will identify barriers and inefficiencies arising from fragmented regional markets and develop outreach and educational materials to inform state and local governments about the region’s current solar market and potential for future growth. By coordinating state and local government solar efforts, the coalition hopes to improve market certainty and increase solar deployment across the region.