PROJECT PROFILE: North Carolina State University (ASSIST)

Project Name: Photovoltaic Analysis and Response Support Platform for Solar Situational Awareness and Resiliency Services
Funding Opportunity: Advanced Systems Integration for Solar Technologies: Situational Awareness and Resilient Solutions for Critical Infrastructure
SETO Subprogram: Systems Integration
Location: Raleigh, NC
SETO Award Amount: $2.3 million
Awardee Cost Share: $800,000

-- Award and cost share amounts are subject to change pending negotiations --

This project will develop a photovoltaic analysis and response support (PARS) platform that provides real-time information to utilities and helps them respond to problems as they arise. As solar and other distributed energy resources are added to the electric grid, utilities need new tools to manage the grid and respond to severe weather events or cyberattacks. The project team will work with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and other industry partners to develop tools that will increase grid resilience.


To create PARS, the team will apply faster-than-real-time simulations to provide forecasts and analyses of proposed grid operations. PARS will incorporate solar power in amounts ranging from household-level to utility-scale. The platform will include new tools for modeling and real-time monitoring, and a cost-benefit tool will allow utilities to assess the economic impacts of distributed renewables generation. These tools will enable utilities to see what is happening on the grid and respond optimally.


The PARS platform will link multiple simulation tools so grid operators can easily examine the impact of potential actions and continually monitor the state of the grid. Real-time situational awareness that can also predict operations will enable users to detect grid abnormalities early, helping utilities avoid catastrophic damage from grid failures or cyberattacks. This platform will also help utilities use solar and other renewable resources to quickly recover from blackouts.