PROJECT PROFILE: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Phase 3)

Funding Opportunity: Orange Button (SB-DATA)
SunShot Subprogram: Soft Costs
Location: Golden, CO
Amount Awarded: $400,000
Awardee Cost Share: $400,000

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will develop tools to covert paper-based solar records to machine readable formats and establish a marketplace for standardized solar datasets. This platform will provide an open source data repository, easy access to data that is housed on the internet, a central catalog for solar energy data, a means to combine data, a gateway to common data standards, and a searchable interface.


The project will design the solar energy data exchange platform, allowing users to search for the necessary data in a fast and efficient manner. Once the exchange has been designed, NREL will continue to expand it to include the most recent datasets.


By providing the Energy Department and the solar industry with a way to share relevant solar data in easy-to-access formats, this data exchange platform will improve solar bankability and increase the impact of the SunShot Initiative.