Title: Security Constrained Economic Optimization of Photovoltaics and Other Distributed Assets
Funding Opportunity: ENERGISE
SunShot Subprogram: Systems Integration
Location: San Francisco, CA
Amount Awarded: $3,221,649
Awardee Cost Share: $4,774,423
This project takes a holistic approach to address critical challenges that prevent high levels of distributed solar penetration in power system networks. The team is coordinating interaction of solar generation units, energy storage devices, and demand-side management programs to provide multiple grid services in real-time. This project aims to deploy a general-purpose software platform that will create an optimal dispatch of distributed resources while ensuring secure and normal operation of the electric grid.
The research team will simulate, model, and test the grid edge optimizer device solution for a microgrid that incorporates photovoltaics (PV) and batteries, among other technologies. They will also develop a real-time system simulation platform and demonstrate feeder-level operational optimization. The scalability of the solution will be demonstrated on a system that includes at least 10,000 active nodes, 3 microgrids, 10 feeders, 3 substations and solar PV penetration greater than 50 percent.
This project will maximize the value of PV output and mitigate PV integration impacts at a very low cost. The project will ultimately enable a large scale deployment of the solution to other cooperatives and municipal- and investor-owned utilities due to its cost effective nature while meeting the objectives of reliability, resiliency and affordability.