-- These projects are inactive --
Through the National Laboratory Research and Development program, DOE supports research and development and core capabilities at its national laboratories to accelerate progress toward achieving the Solar Energy Technologies Office's (SETO) systems integration targets. These multi-year projects are funded based on a competitive proposal process and address the challenges pertaining to all systems integration focus areas: Grid Performance and Reliability, Dispatchability, Power Electronics and Communications.
Ongoing systems integration projects at the national laboratories include:
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Core Competencies for Solar Resource Assessment
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Distributed Battery Energy Storage for High Penetration of Photovoltaics
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Emerging Technology Characterization
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Improvement and Validation of Solar Systems Modeling Algorithms and Tools
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Increasing Distributed PV Penetration Levels
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Integrated Distribution-Transmission Analysis for Very High Penetration PV Solar
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Operational Analyses, Models and Tools Improvement
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Modeling and Analysis of High-Penetration PV in California
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: RTC NREL - Ops & Buildout
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: RTC NREL - Research Tasks 1 & 2
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Solar Integration National Dataset and Operational Analysis Models and Tools Improvement
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Solar Resource Modeling and Measurement Research
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Solar Value Analysis and Market Penetration Modeling
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Transmission and Alternatives Analysis and Strategic Stakeholder Engagement
- Sandia National Laboratories: Accelerating Development of Advanced Inverters
- Sandia National Laboratories: Advanced Solar Resource Modeling and Analysis
- Sandia National Laboratories: Advancing Solar Integration on Transmission Systems
- Sandia National Laboratories: Characterizing Emerging Photovoltaic Technologies
- Sandia National Laboratories: Distributed Controls for High Penetrations of Renewables
- Sandia National Laboratories: Distributed Grid Integration Accelerating Cost-Effective Deployment of Solar Generation on the Distribution Grid
- Sandia National Laboratories: Dynamic Simulation over Long Time Periods with 100% Solar Generation
- Sandia National Laboratories: Enhanced Grid Operation and Optimized PV Penetration Utilizing Highly Distributed Sensor Data
- Sandia National Laboratories: Increasing Prediction Accuracy and Confidence in PV System Performance
- Sandia National Laboratories: Low-Cost Solar Variability Sensor for Ubiquitous Deployment
- Sandia National Laboratories: Optimization of a Virtual Power Plant to Provide Frequency Support
- Sandia National Laboratories: RTC NM/FL Site
- Sandia National Laboratories: RTC VT Site
- Sandia National Laboratories: RTC NV Site
Learn more about SETO's other funding programs.