Modeling and Analysis of High-Penetration PV in Florida

This project aims to leverage simulation-assisted research and development based on a wide variety of Florida feeders that already incorporate high levels of PV power. Working with utilities, the team at Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems (FSU CAPS) will evaluate and model impacts of the effects of high-penetration PV on distribution and transmission. Validated models that include characterization of the Florida solar resource will be developed for the range of feeder designs, and power management solutions will be evaluated.

  • The FSU CAPS team leverages simulation-assisted research and development based on a wide variety of Florida feeders that already incorporate high levels of PV power. Working with utilities, the project team will evaluate and model impacts of the effects of high penetration PV on distribution and transmission.  Validated models that include characterization of the Florida solar resource will be developed for the range of feeder designs, and possible power management solutions will be evaluated. Through field-verified models, the project will provide the basis for accelerated high penetration PV system deployment.

    This project will contribute to:

    • A better understanding of the solar variation in Florida (short term, seasonal, and geographical)
    • Analysis, understanding, and solutions for the impacts on the distribution and transmission grid of high PV penetration levels
    • Improved tools and approaches for effective planning, integration, and operation of electric grid systems with high PV penetration levels
    • Validated converter and control system solutions to enable successful integration of high levels of PV
    • Improved awareness and understanding within the stakeholder community and among the general public of solar PV potential, challenges, and opportunities
  • Florida State University’s Center for Advanced Power Systems and partners in the Sunshine State Solar Grid Initiative (SUNGRIN) have completed a five-year effort aimed at enabling effective integration of high penetration levels of grid-connected solar PV generation. SUNGRIN has made significant contributions in the development of simulation-assisted techniques, tools, insight and understanding associated with solar PV effects on electric power system (EPS) operation and the evaluation of mitigation options for maintaining reliable operation. An important element of the project was the partnership and participation of six major Florida utilities and the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC). Utilities provided details and data associated with actual distribution circuits having high-penetration PV to use as case studies. The project also conducted some foundational work supporting future investigations of effects at the transmission / bulk power system level.

  • FSU array photo.png

    Irradiance high-speed field sensor array deployed at Lakeland Linder Airport PV site

    In the final phase of the project, four open-use models with built-in case studies were developed and released, along with synthetic solar PV data sets, and tools and techniques for model reduction and in-depth parametric studies of solar PV impact on distribution circuits. Along with models and data, at least 70 supporting MATLAB functions have been developed and made available, with complete documentation.