Impacts of High Penetration of PV with Energy Storage at Flagstaff Arizona

--This project is inactive --

The project team, led by Arizona Public Service, will evaluate the impacts of high penetrations of distributed PV and energy storage on a dedicated feeder to identify the technical and operational modifications that could be deployed in future feeder designs.

  • Models describing the interactions between operations and weather/PV/feeder equipment are being developed and validated with actual feeder data with the objective that results will be broadly applicable in other utility projects.

  • Through deployment of high penetration PV and detailed monitoring, Arizona Public Service and its partners are in the third of five phases to evaluate actual system impacts of high penetration PV and test possible power management solutions such as energy storage and smart inverters. A test model is now being validated with the intent to be apply it in other high penetration situations. Results will lead to a better understanding of how utilities could:

    • Mitigate the effects of PV variability and intermittency
    • Enhance the value of large PV deployments
    • Enhance the resilience of distribution infrastructure
    • Provide new opportunities for customer participation in energy programs
    • Improve awareness and understanding within the stakeholder community and among the general public