Contact SETO

U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC, 20585

Media Inquires

For media inquiries, please email the media team for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at [email protected] and reference "Solar Energy Technologies Office" in the email subject line.

Find the Energy Department's media info here.

Job Opportunities

Learn about open positions on our Solar Energy Technologies Office Careers webpage.

Visiting the Office

The DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office is located at the U.S. Department of Energy headquarters, the James V. Forrestal Building.

Non-government visitors must present a valid U.S. picture identification card and name of their host. Building security will notify the host of your arrival, so you can be escorted to the appropriate floor. International visitors must get approved to enter the building, which takes 30 days. Everyone who enters the building will have their personal items x-rayed.


The Metro rail and bus system is the environmentally-friendly and economical way to get to the Department of Energy. The headquarters building is conveniently located near the Smithsonian Metro station on the blue, orange, and silver lines, and the L'Enfant Plaza station on the blue, orange, silver, yellow, and green lines.

Consumer Inquiries

Our Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar can answer a lot of your questions about the process of going solar and the Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics provides information about what the tax credit is, who is eligible, and how you can apply it to your taxes.

Consumers can find more clean energy information on EERE’s Energy Saver.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each funding opportunity contains an email address specific to that opportunity. To ensure fairness in the award process, all questions must be submitted to that email address. View open funding opportunities—once there, each funding opportunity webpage contains the corresponding email address.

  • Funding allocated to the Solar Energy Technologies Office by Congress is predominantly focused on research and development of new technologies and programming. Funding opportunities follow an open, competitive solicitation process and encourage collaborative partnerships among industry, universities, national laboratories, federal, state, and local governments and non-government agencies and advocacy groups. Solicitations may include financial or technical assistance. Learn more about how to apply for a funding opportunity. To receive notice of new funding opportunities, subscribe to our email newsletter mailing list

  • Solar workforce research and development at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) supports efforts to prepare and sustain a skilled and diverse clean energy workforce. Workforce development initiatives funded by SETO include online and in-person training and education programs, work-based learning opportunities such as internships and apprenticeships, collegiate competitions, certification programs, and support services such as career counseling, mentorship, and job readiness. Learn more about the training programs funded by SETO.