Energy Innovation in Action

Energy Innovation In Action blogs aim to share the positive impact EERE has on the American people, businesses, industry partners, universities, research labs, and other entities to increase the use and effectiveness of affordable renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and energy efficiency technologies. Learn about projects and successes from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, as well as the people behind the work.

You can also view an interactive map of EERE Success Stories.

Merlin Theodore Clean Energy Champions thumbnail
Proof that you can grow up on an island more than 1,000 miles from the continental United States, lead a national lab research group, earn a presidential appointment, and still find time to shop for beans responsibly.
Elderly couple reading energy bill by the radiator
December 21st marks the start of the winter season. For many Americans, cold and often freezing temperatures means higher utility bills to keep warm, so the Department of Energy brings you 5 tips to keep your energy costs down.
Chelsea Sexton Clean Energy Champions thumbnail
Buying her first car at age 17 put Chelsea Sexton on an unexpected path. Find out how she ended up on the front lines of the mission to electrify the transportation sector.